Whoever you are there can be many reasons for you to contact us. We welcome contact from individuals, groups and organisations.
You may be a member of the community that we strive to represent and want to learn more about our events, both past and future. You may want to see how we can help you, whether you are a carer, a family member or the individual directly dealing with the challenges of being neurodivergent. You may just be curious to learn more about who we are and what we do.
You may be curious to learn more about being neurodivergent and what those challenges look like on a daily basis.
You may be an organisation that realises you are not doing enough in this area and be curious to find out how you can help us support others. You may be able to support us, not only financially but in many other ways also. Whatever your reason for contacting us we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.
Let's here from you and keep you informed.
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Your email address
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Chequered Flag Motorsport CiC
32 Gillygate
Southgate Business Centre
Email Us
We are a Community Interest Company registered with the CIC Registrar. Company number: 12644544